Sublime select all occurrences. Best wishes, Shu. Sublime select all occurrences

 Best wishes, ShuSublime select all occurrences 24

Then, press Command + Shift + F (Mac) or Control + Shift + F (Windows) to open the Find/Replace panel. In VSCode I would just hold shift, highlight the text, mash Ctrl+D a few times to highlight all the instances, and then just start typing and the multiple cursors would act as one for replace/delete/append whatever. Wondering if. I would love to have all 3 of these but I think Alt+F3 and Ctrl+Shift+L would. You can shrink the selection with editor. For example 'c' may occur in many words, not being variables. Type "Package Control: Install Package" and press Enter. all the copied lines simply get pasted in block for every single cursor. sublime-settings file: "draw_outlined" : true. Hit Ctrl + Shift + F, the prompt will open in the bottom of the window, Hit Find, then manually double click on the text (that you want to replace) shown. Select all bookmarks. done(); If I select job and press CMD+D with the Find panel visible and "whole word" and "case sensitive" enabled, unfortunately the Job in findJob gets added to my. Single Selection To go from. Xcode (the Objective-C IDE) has a great feature where you can simultaneously edit all occurrences of a string at once within a given scope. Do one of the following: Successively press Alt+J to find and select the next occurrence of case-sensitively matching word or. Select the first paragraph and then open the Find and Replace panel with Ctrl+H. Importantly, Sublime Text is smart enough to only highlight the exact matches, not all occurrences of that string. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: 👍 16 feoh, asolopovas, admosity, skube, chibicode, zacharied, hnqiu, thomaschriskelly, ersel, jluquer, and 6 more reacted with thumbs up. #st2. Again, if you go too far, use Undo Selection (Ctrl+U, or Command+U on OS X) to step backwards. Select all instances of a word. You will be able to select multiple words at the same time. At any point in your coding career, you will find your self in a need to change a large selection of strings. Pressing Alt+F3 to select all instances of the word to, showing how many of them there are. Ctrl + L to to select all lines which contain your keyword. Select all instances of a word ↩. In Sublime Text 2 or Atom you usually search for a word. Select this checkbox to be navigated directly to the found. To add all occurrences of the current word to the selection, use Find All: Windows/Linux: Alt + F3 Mac: ⌃ + ⌘ + G Single Selection To go from multiple selections to a single. On a MacOS you can use: Tap: Control + Command + G - Select all the same value. Select Multiple Instances of the Same Word ⌘ + D (CTRL + D on Windows) Select All Instances of the Same Word ⌃ + ⌘ + G (Alt + F3 on Windows) Make Multiple Selections ⌘ + CLICK (CTRL + CLICK on. Find all occurences of the selected word. Community Bot. Sublime Column Mode. *This works in all versions of Sublime Text. Type to replace the selected words with your changes. Ctrl+Shift+L – split selection into lines. Ctrl + Enter. I'd like to add a functionality, where pressing Alt+Left Arrow moves cursor to previous selected. Skip to content. 1. action. The advantage here is that you don't have to remember the regex syntax for negative. If this comes true, icons will be used to mark all occurrences of selected words on the gutter bar. I'm using Sublime text 3, build 3126. ctrl +f <!--. Select the “In Folder…” option. Put your cursor to the second "a" in the first line, press Ctrl-V, select all lines, then press I (capital i), and put in a doublequote. 2. Transpose. 857 F335. Select All Instances of the Same Word ⌃ + ⌘ + G (Alt + F3 on. EDIT: but it will also "cut" the line. All occurrences will change automatically: Press Tab or Enter to apply the refactoring. Here are some useful key combos for selecting words in Sublime Text. If you want to select words, place the caret at an occurrence of the desired word. 6. Navigate to the first character (Right arrow) and select all IDs. and. The next time you hit Ctrl + D it should select the next highlighted word. ) instead, and you’ll be fine ctrl+shift+l – also. edited Jun 20, 2020 at 9:12. Hit Ctrl+L (Expand Selection to Line). Working in Sublime Text 3, I’d like to re-name some variables in my code. Written by Willem. To add all occurrences of the current word to the selection, use Find All: Alt+F3 on Windows and Linux, or Ctrl+Command+G on OS X. This is extremely useful when making changes to code or editing text documents. How to select multiple same words in sublime? Select a block of lines, and then split it into many selections, one per line, using:As per "Sublime Text: Select all instances of a variable and edit variable name" and the answer in "Sublime Text: Select all instances of a variable and edit variable name", we have to start with a empty selection. Turn on the option to operate within the selection. or click the Replace All button to replace all occurrences of the text. If you’re using the PyCharm IDE use Mayus + F6 on the variable that you want change and write the new name variable. With multiple lines selected - enter multi-line editing mode. Make sure. Select Next Match of a Selection: ⌘ + D. In the Find/Replace panel, enter the text you want to find in the “Find” field. That is, start using the shortcut Alt+F3 which would help selecting only the whole words. Sublime Text has a “gutter” that displays line numbers on the left side of the screen. ST2 has a feature for changing multiple selections at once. smartSelect. To fold and unfold only the regions defined by markers use: Fold Marker Regions (⌘K ⌘8 (Windows, Linux Ctrl+K Ctrl+8)) folds all marker regions. The internal command that does this is the move command with a by argument of subwords or subword_ends (depending on which direction you're moving). findJob('something'); job. is in your preferences file ( Preferences -> Settings - User) and you should see the expected behavior. shrink which has the default shortcut. Is there a keyboard shortcut that will let me select all of those instances of the variable and edit them all at once? Things I've Tried: ⌘D, ⌘K, and ⌘U lets me select them one-by-one, but I have to manually exclude the non-variable string matches:Press Ctrl 0R to open the search and replace pane. action. 0), too. Select multiple occurrences of a word or a text range. Share. Sublime does not and has never had this power without a plugin. Select/unselect the next occurrence: Alt + J / Shift + Alt + J (Ctrl + G / Shift + Ctrl +G for Mac OS X) Select all occurrences: Shift. Share. Ctrl-I will select the entire line. - `s/4s/3s/2' will then replace the second occurrence. “Find” will search through the current document for the next instance of the text in the “Find” box. I know that I can select all instances by pressing ctrl + cmd + G. Ctrl+L. Select it and click Apply. Multi-word (and multi-line) cursors/selection in VS Code Multi-word: Windows / OS X: Ctrl+Shift+L / ⌘+Shift+L selects all instances of the current highlighted word; Ctrl+D / ⌘+D selects the next instance. To search for a specific string of text in all files within a given folder, first open the folder in Sublime Text. Select multiple occurrences of a word or a text range. Otherwise, select the desired range with the mouse or with keyboard shortcuts. Mac: ⌘+K, ⌘+D. Select multiple occurrences of a word or a text range. Add cursor at all occurrences of a word ^⌥UP. The main problem for me is the following: Ctrl+D in Sublime recognizes all subsequent occurrences of a text block/piece of text that is currently selected, e. MAC. Multiple selections let you make sweeping changes to your text efficiently. Command Shift L is used to select a line in a multiline block. Above answers are the correct ways, but if you want to get rid of the rows with even a single string then do, Find -> Replace -> put ^. Share. Use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to move the synced cursors within each selection. - pull the first line into the pattern space of sed, - N will pull the next (second) line into the pattern space and. smartSelect. Find all occurences of the selected word. Search for. This is what I see in Sublime Text. Sublime Text 3 has a nifty feature called Multiple Selections, or Multiple Cursors. 9. If you want to select words, place the caret at an occurrence of the desired word. The key combination Ctrl+Shift+L allows you to select the blocks of lines and split them, on Windows. What is. Find all. 1. Regular Expressions. "match_selection": true. Ctrl ⌘ G - selects all occurrences of the current word ( Alt F3 on Windows/Linux) ⌘ D - selects the next. To disable the prompt, in the Settings dialog ( Ctrl Alt 0S ), go to Editor | General | Smart Keys, and in the PHP area, clear the Show additional options when searching for method usages checkbox. Sublime Text is not a strange name for those who have been coding programs for some time. Tap: Control + G - Every tap combination select the new same value. If I press ctrl+d, it selects the last four letters of the word 'longword. Make sure Regular Expression matching is enabled (Alt+R to toggle). This helps you to be sure what are selected when you press Alt+Enter. Select all text below your cursor: ctrl+shift+end. On a Bash shell in Linux I'd use sed with the following commads: sed -e 'N; s/4s/3s/2' < file. find ( CTRL + f) followed by editor. (Alt + F3 - Find All in Sublime) Act on all the occurrences. Press: Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows and Linux. There is a difference in CudaText implementation: CudaText command first checks, is first selection 'whole word' or not. Do one of the following: Successively press Alt+J to find and select the next occurrence of case-sensitively matching word or. edited Jun 20, 2020 at 9:12. For example, in the above image, I've selected a "string" text (top-left corner) and Sublime automatically indicates other strings of the same text value. Clicking the "Find All" button will select each of these numbers separately. Sublime Text 3 select all instances of word CMD+Click - Inserts a new cursor at each click location. From that link: Select All Occurrences (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J on Windows, Ctrl-Cmd-G on Mac OS X) will select all occurrences of current word/symbol in multiple caret mode. Select multiple occurrences of a word or a text range. super+ctrl+g: select all occurrences of current word for multiple editing. To select text inside quotes, you can install expand-selection-to-quotes package and use: Ctrl + '. Select this checkbox to search in for the occurrences in text files. Kind of similar to highlight a word and hitting ctrl+d, except, y’know, with searching you have a bit more power. Then, press: CTRL + SHIFT + L. Use Alt +Left Click on the undesired cursor. If you press the same key combination again, Sublime Text will go into multi-selection mode and select other instances of the same word in the document. Do a column selection with ALT +mouse. Authors, bloggers, tech writers and programmers interact with text for documentation and. This will select all instances of that word or phrase in the document. This is why: Select some text and press Ctrl + D to add more instances. But now I want to select everything between the SUBROUTINE keywords. No. Press Alt-F3 (Windows or Linux) or Command+Ctrl+G (Mac OS X) to highlight every instance of the word in the document. 2. Cmd-Ctrl-F (Replace All) Sublime has Ctrl-E and Ctrl-Shift-E (yay!), but I can’t find a way to perform Replace All from the keyboard. Then gc goes match by match and you can replace or not. Restart your PhpStorm and you should see a new option under File > Settings > Keymap > Keymaps named Sublime. Working in Sublime Text 3, I’d like to re-name some variables in my code. Use this dialog to change the settings of finding usages. If you would like to skip one of the instances, there is another nifty keyboard shortcut to consider: ⌘ + K. Sometimes, we want to rename a variable name, but it have several occurrences in the source code. alt+shift+i: Split a multi-line selection into multiple lines ( split_selection_into_lines)Better yet, if you know you want to select all instances within the current file, you can highlight your interested text and press ctrl+cmd+g . You can search by capitalization. super+l: select line (repeat select next lines) super+d: select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing) ctrl+shift+m: select content into brackets; super+shift+enter: insert line before; super+enter: inter line after; ctrl+shift+k: delete line; super+k-k: delete from cursor to end of lineMulti selection. #sublime text 2. Aims to replicate the multi-editing features of Sublime Text/Visual Studio Code for faster coding. As far as I can tell an equivalent feature does not exist in VS Code. Sublime Text will then search through all files in the folder. # Selecting all occurrences of the current word If you need to select all occurrences of the current word, without having to highlight it: Use the Ctrl + F2 keyboard shortcut on Windows and Linux. Alex Bakoushin. Type (for Windows) or (for mac) in the Find textbox at the bottom of the Editor window. You can also select all lines in a column to edit many rows of data at the same time. How can I unselect it ??? [super+k, super+d] messes. This extension makes it possible to select next occurrences of a selected text for editing. . To make a multiple selection of occurrences in a file, select the needed element in your code, then press Alt+J. This is what I see in Sublime Text. The Command Shift L function allows you to select each line in a multiline block. Hitting D a few more time while still holding ⌘ selects the next instance of the selection found. for selection, Alt + J. The default key bindings for that are Alt+Left and Alt+Right on Windows and Linux and Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right on MacOS. Share. It's possible? (If not, please advice made unpaid simple similar editor with this functionality). If you need to preserve the case, click located in the replace field. Press Alt-F3 (Windows or Linux) or Command+Ctrl+G (Mac OS X) to highlight every instance of the word in the document. If that isn't possible, I'm not interested in the editor. I'm trying to use multi select on a mac for sublime text 2, but as soon as I "find" several selections with command d, I am unsure of what to press to start writing to those selected fields. However, here are some useful key combos for selecting words in Sublime Text 2: Ctrl⌘G - selects all occurrences of the current word (AltF3 on Windows/Linux) ⌘D - selects the next instance of the current word (CtrlD) ⌘K,⌘D - skips the current instance and goes on to select the next one (CtrlK,CtrlD) To add all occurrences of the current word to the selection, use Find All: Windows/Linux: Alt + F3 Mac: ⌃ + ⌘ + G Single Selection To go from multiple selections to a single selection, press Esc. Provides the most common multi-editing features. Repeat to select more lines. Make menu items for each script - NPP restart required. In five steps, you could do: Windows and Linux. Ctrl+Shift+L to add a cursor at the end of every selected line. Jobs. This Sublime Text plugin allows temporarily and persistently marking all occurrences of selected words in a color; multiple marked selections can be added simultaneously, each marking the selections with different. sublime-settings file: "draw_outlined" : true. Alt+F3 to select all entries of a string. Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode. set shortcuts you want as like sublime. If you double click to select word, Ctrl + D will select the exact string not just the highlighted ones. If you want to search for a keyword, say print from the given code, you can use Ctrl+DThe goal of Sublime Text‘s CtrlD command is to make it faster to code. but if you're familiar with sublime shortcuts like Ctrl + D. Under the Packages/WordHighlight sub-directory, edit the Word Highlight. 3. 64. select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing) Ctrl+Alt+Up / Ctrl+Alt+Down. Find some name: cmd f, type some name (sometimes need to press return) Specify replace: shift cmd r, tab tab to get to replace field, type new name, don't press return. 2. If this comes true, icons will be used to mark all occurrences of selected words on the gutter bar. Select value=" And press Ctrl + D repeatedly to select all instances of value=". Quickly go to a lineDepending on your needs you can also just select the “px 0;”, press alt+f3 to select all occurrences and then right-arrow, left-arrow and type px. alt + enter to select all instances of <!--. The best way right now to achieve Sublime-like keymapping in Jupyter Notebook: Select CodeMirror Keymap from jupyter-contrib-nbextensions. In incremental searches, it will select the next match in the file and dismiss the search panel for you. * button to enable RegEx. Regular Expressions find complex patterns in text. The screenshot given below explains this −Replace the search string in a file. Here is a reference: How can I filter a file for lines containing a string in Sublime Text 2? Hit Ctrl+F (⌘+F) to " Find All " occurences; Hit Ctrl+L to Expand All Selection to Line. expand_selection Extends the selection up to predefined limits. Then you can use Ctrl + Shift + L to convert the selection into multiple cursors. and. This extension makes it possible to select multiple occurrences of a selected text for simultaneous editing with multiple cursors. With this feature you can: Set multiple cursors in the editor area: Alt + Mouse Click (Option + Mouse Click for Mac OS X). "mark_occurrences_on_gutter" : true. In general, Sublime can find and replace single instances via Replace and all instances via Replace All. . Ctrl+F3 to find the next occurrence of the current word or selected text. Importantly, Sublime Text is smart enough to only highlight the exact matches, not all occurrences of that string. You could use Find & Replace, or you can follow these steps: Place your cursor. Additionally MacOS also has the same commands bound to. You can fold in and out all occurrences in a file (e. It will even count then, writing X selection regions in status bar. Next, type the string of text you wish to search for in the Find panel, and press Enter. Select or Highlight all instances of a word type or color in Sublime Text 4 Hot Network Questions 70's or 80's movie in which an older gentleman uses a magic paintbrush to paint living children into paintings they can't escapeTo insert special characters directly into the Find and Replace dialog box: Select the Home tab in the ribbon. To find and replace text in a directory: 1. Linear selection: Left Click. but in the case of '11. Jetbrains give you an option to change settings, Settings -> Keymap -> Editor Actions. What do the colors mean in Sublime Text? 4. repeat alt cmd e until done. That is, start using the shortcut Alt + F3 which would help selecting only the whole words. In this case, I want to remove them, so I use Del; Since I want to introduce a comma between each of the numbers, I first split them into multiple lines using Enter. Press Ctrl+H then enter your “Find” and “Replace” terms and click “Replace”. If this method selects an instance that you want to skip, press the key for Find. To go from multiple selections to a single selection, pressType select all occurrences and select Select all Occurrences of Find Match. Sublime does not, however, achieve the same level of UI design as Visual Studio. Command + Shift + Up Arrow key. 1. Return to single selection. 2. Do a normal Find ( Ctrl + F ) using regular expressions. Select all occurrences at once with Ctrl+Cmd+G. Do one of the following: Successively press Alt+J to find and select the next occurrence of case-sensitively matching word or. If you want to select words, place the caret at an occurrence of the desired word. Press the same key to find the next occurrence. ⌘⌥1: single column : ⌘⌥2: two columns : ⌘⌥5: grid (4 groups. Shortcut. Then hit the Ctrl + D or ⌘ + D to select occurrence of the selected word one by one. action. Moving the Pointer to the Beginning of Code. Example: job. To the right of the Find and Replace text boxes are four buttons. Provides the most common multi-editing features. As you can see, all the other instances of page have boxes around them. Ctrl + Shift + M. I am basically struggling with the part where I have to ignore this pattern ;. Install the NppExec plugin - NPP restart required. as required. It also keeps a track of which files you have opened the most often, so it will automatically put them on the top, thus opening it already. ). Ctrl + F2 to select all occurrences of current word. Photo by: o2. This will bring up a filterable list of all available packages. Repeat to select next lines. Aims to replicate the multi-editing features of Sublime Text/Visual Studio Code for faster coding. Then press delete to remove. 2. The term regular expression is usually shortened to regexp or regex. Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key. . On a MacOS you can use: Tap: Control + Command + G - Select all the same value. Highlight the word you'd like to get the next instance, then press: ⌘ + E. For instance, to replace all occurances of "cat" with "dog" in the column "myfield", you would do: UPDATE tablename SET myfield = replace (myfield,"cat", "dog")Find All Instances Matching Your Selection One by one: Make a selection and find, one by one, other instances by hitting CMD-D. It does sound like it will work when Notepad++ updates the version of Scintilla it uses as the functionality is built in to the newer version of that. to (Enum): Values: bol, hardbol, eol, hardeol, bof, eof, brackets, line, tag, scope, indentation. Do one of the following: Successively press Alt+J to find and select the next occurrence of case-sensitively matching word or. text-editors. Share. Share. Then, press Command + Shift + F (Mac) or Control + Shift + F (Windows) to open the Find/Replace panel. Move all carets up/down/left/right and clear selection: ⇠, ⇡, ⇣, ⇢; Undo the last selection motion: ⌘U; Add next occurrence of selected text to selection: ⌘D; Add all occurrences of the selected text to the selection: ⌃⌘G; Rotate between occurrences of selected text (single selection): ⌥⌘G (reverse: ⌥⇧⌘G)Finding Occurrences Sublime Text editor includes a feature to find the occurrences of the keywords included in the scripts. Hit Ctrl + Shift + F, the prompt will open in the bottom of the window. 2. ESC - Goes from using multiple cursors back to one cursor. If you have something highlighted already, Ctrl + D will do substring searching. Next bookmark ^F2. Follow. “Find All” will highlight all instances of the text in the “Find” box. Hit the replace all button this will delete all the rows with even a single string in it. Currently, intellij highlights all occurrences of the word under the caret. questionmark October 14, 2019, 9:44am #3. If you want to skip the current instance, press Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D . So with adding this extension to VSCode: Sublime Text Keymap and Settings Importer. Similarly, after finding something with Ctrl + F, Alt + Enter will select all occurrences of the search query, which can be multi-edited; Ctrl + X without anything selected cuts the current line, then move to a different line and Ctrl + V pastes it below the current line; Setting Sublime as the default Terminal editorExits the whole application with all open windows. The screenshot given below explains this −. ccc on one of the lines and then press Alt+F3 to select all other matching occurrences of that selected text. Cmd ⌘ + D (Mac) Ctrl ⌃ + D (Windows and Linux) Put your cursor on a word, press the keyboard shortcode, and the word will instantly be selected. You can quickly locate all occurrences of the selected element in a file, make a multiple selection, or select the next or the previous occurrences. To select a column of text in Sublime Text, first click to place your cursor at the start of the column. This can be extremely helpful when trying to locate a specific piece of code within a large document. Mac: ⌃+⌘+G. Type to replace the selected words with your changes. Visual Studio’s “Select All Occurrences” feature is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly and easily select all occurrences of a certain text string or symbol within a project. 215. SUBLIME TEXT MAC- Keyboard's Shortcuts Cheat Sheet - sublime-mac. In the input field, type "NeoVintageous" and select it from the list of available packages. Didn't work. Yes. Under the Packages/WordHighlight sub-directory, edit the Word Highlight. Otherwise, select the desired range with the mouse or with keyboard shortcuts. *163. To rename a variable. When I select a variable, all occurrences of it are highlighted. Improve this answer. Select all instances of the current selection. How to select all cursors in Sublime Text? Ctrl+A – select all. Many editors / IDEs already do this. Place your cursor somewhere in or next to the word you wish to select. We hear what you say on Twitter and on our issue tracker and that’s why we’re including your number one request: Multiple Selection. abc abc abc abc I put my cursor on second line and do the following: [super+d] - selects line 2 [super+d] - selects line 3 [super+d], [super+k, super+d] - skips line 4 At this point search wrapped to the first line and made it selected. Hi, Is there a way to select all the “was” words excluding occurrences between the text in the gif below When I double click to select the first “was” word it is already able to recognize what I wanted to select. So, while the cursor is on the variable named i, it. super+l - select current line. Tap: Control + G - Every tap combination select the new same value. Use alt Enter in the search dialogue to select all occurrences of your regex. How to select all instances in Sublime Text 2? However, here are some useful key combos for selecting words in Sublime Text 2: Ctrl ⌘ G – selects all occurrences of the current word ( Alt F3 on Windows/Linux) ⌘ D – selects the next instance of the current word ( Ctrl D) ⌘ K, ⌘ D – skips the current instance and goes on to select. multi-line selection in sublime text 2. The only difference between this panel and the regular search panel lies in the behavior of the Enter key. If you want to select a specific area in Sublime Text, you can use one of two methods: The first method is to click and drag your mouse over the area you want to select. Through trial and error, here's what I found so far: Opt+Up/Down: Move line up/down. Ctrl; D; Jump to closing parentheses - Repeat to jump to opening parentheses. Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. 1. The counts displayed are for the selected lines and characters, but not words; there is also no setting in the core that enables this. First, select multiple lines (by dragging mouse, shift +arrow, etc. If you double click to select word, Ctrl + D will select the exact string not just the highlighted ones. You can reassign hotkey from the command A to the command B, so hotkey will give the behaviour of Sublime Text. Hi, in Notepad++ there is this function if you double-click a word, all. Sorted by: 38. Share. Or if you only want to select a few instances of the word, you can use: Ctrl + D (Windows, Linux) Cmd + D (Mac)Turn off the Case sensitive setting. ⌘K,⌘D - skips the current instance and goes on to select the next one (CtrlK,CtrlD); ⌘U - "soft undo", moves back to the previous. Share. 23. 2. Generally I replace. Press Alt+. 9171 A-39609. . There are several ways to accomplish that in Vim. Windows and Linux. Mac: ⌘+K, ⌘+D. Turn on the option to operate within the selection. Mac: ⌘+K, ⌘+D. for all selected lines. Learn more about TeamsHow do I change all occurrences of a word in Sublime Text? Select all instances of a word ↩. Type to replace the selected words with your. (Little things make a big difference, and I'm a big fan of efficiency). D - selects the next instance of the current word (CtrlD). Edit selections as necessary. I use registers a lot. The full list of keyboard shortcuts that work for me in Overleaf to create multiple cursors / selections: Ctrl + Alt + Right (or additionally Ctrl + Alt + L in Vim mode): search for next occurence of word under cursor, add it to selection. Give the menu items a key combo / hotkey. Here is an image of some sample code of a SQL file. It would be handy for me to be able to select all results in a selection that match a certain regular expression, for example, which is something ctrl+d doesn’t enable. Only variable names can be changed that way. Do one of the following: Successively press Alt+J to find and select the next occurrence of case-sensitively matching word or. See full list on sublimetext. Share. Combine as you see fit. Select current wor d, continue press D for expanding selection. Ideas and Feature Requests. Follow. Any praise about multiple selections is an understatement. Make sure regular expressions are used: click the icon to the far. A quicker option is to just use the 'Find All' option: It selects all the matches for you, so you can copy them. I would love to have all 3 of these but I think Alt+F3 and Ctrl+Shift+L would be the most important functions for me. Visual Studio Select All Occurrences. Ralf Longwitz. +500.